About Bucharest

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My impression about Bucharest

When I first came in Bucharest I had the impression of an ugly and big post-communist city. Viewing all the dirty grey blocks wasn't exactly what I was expecting from the capital. One can consider Bucharest also a nice city, it depends of which part of it we are considering. They are many nice regions, mostly the Old Bucharest. This is one of the reasons I chose to speak in a blog about "Old Bucharest". As any other city, as any other capital where there is a mixture of people of different nations, Bucharest is very diverse. Not only in wealth, but also in styles. At the corner of the street you can see an old lady begging for money and just next to her you can see the last model of a Ferrari. Quite a variety, isn't it? They are many rich people, as well as poor people. I believe one can notice the realities of a city only by living in it. And still...My question is: is it or is it not Bucharest a nice place to live in? It's an open question. I let it to you.


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