About Bucharest

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The new highway code

The Senate voted yesterday the new legislation regarding the highway code. What is interesting about it, is that in case of an accident, if a pigeon crossed a street in a place where he didn't supposed to, the fault is considered to be entirely his. Don't know what to say about it, excepting the fact that this rule implicitly suppose that the streets are totally previewed with enough crossing zebras.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

15 years of friendship between the Republic of Korea and Romania

On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Romania, The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Kim Dae-sik organized together with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Korea, a korean traditional dance and music performance offered by Busan Metropolitan Dance Company. The event took place yesterday, the 7th of June at the National Gallery of Bucharest, Auditorium Hall.